Sunday 24 February 2013

Vegetable-packed Miso Soup


- I used a mixed veg pack here, which consisted of: bamboo shoots, spring cabbage, carrots and beansprouts
- 1 Dried nori sheet, torn into small pieces
- 3 mushrooms, chopped
- 1 large pak choi
- 1 tbsp soy sauce
- 1 tsp habanero tabasco
- 1 tsp cayenne pepper
- Dried/fresh coriander & parsley
- 1 tsp Miso paste
- 1 vegetable stock cube (or paste)
- 250ml boiling water

Spring onions for garnish


- Tofu
- Favourite noodles, I recommend udon, soba or rice noodles!


- Mix boiling water together with stock cube
- Put all vegetables into a large pot and pour veg stock over mix
- Add spices and tabasco and bring to the boil
- Once brought to the boil, simmer for another five or so minutes until pak choi and mushrooms have softened slightly
- Turn off heat, cover and leave to steam for ten minutes
- Once steamed, add in miso paste and stir through
- Garnish, serve, and enjoy ^.^!

Good News!

I finally found the charger for my dslr!

This is great, I can finally take decent pictures of my recipes! Instead of having to make do with terrible instagram/mobile phone pictures..

So happy!

Thursday 7 February 2013

Thai Lemongrass Pasta

This burned the mouth of of me, made it a tad too spicy, but I'll give you guys a less spicy version!

Generous helping of large macaroni/rice noodles/rice
Green and red peppers, sliced
Coriander/Parsley, chopped
1 tsp of cayenne pepper
1/2 cup of coconut milk/cream
2 tbsp of garlic puree
Thai Lemongrass sauce (I've used Blue Dragon here)
1 tsp of thai green curry paste
1 veg stock cube (I used Knowe)
Lemon juice to taste
Sugar snap peas
Salt to taste

- Boil pasta/rice until soft
- Drain out some water and dissolve stock cube amongst the condiment
- Add peppers, sugar snap peas, coconut cream and garlic puree
- Add cayenne pepper and Thai Lemongrass sauce and thai green curry paste
- Stir until mixture thickens and boils
- Add lemon juice and salt to taste
- Serve and enjoy :3!

Grilled Peaches with Yoghurt and Raspberries

Ah this recipes is just delicious! I seen this recipe on Symon's Suppers on FoodNetwork UK last week and I had to veganise it! I have to admit, I burned the peaches slightly on the grill pan, but they were still magnificent!

2 large peaches, halved, pitted
Generous helping of soy plain yoghurt (I've used Alpro here, you can use any flavoured soy yoghurt too!)
5/6 raspberries
Generous helping of agave nectar (available at Holland and Barrett and online supermarkets)

- Grill peaches either on a grill pan (I don't recommend this as I burned mine) or in a conventional oven until browned lightly
- Place neatly onto a plate and drizzle yoghurt and nectar over the peaches
- Place some raspberries nicely between the peaches and serve

I think some raw cane sugar or cinnamon would go delicious with this recipe, too bad I was out!

Miso soup with Rice Noodles, Pak Choi and Seasonal Squash

This is my favourite! Pak choi, pak choi and more pak choi!
And some vodka..

1 tbsp of miso paste (apparently you get different kinds, I haven't tried them, but I use the little jar from Sainsburys!)
2/3 cups of water
1 veg stock cube (I use knowe)
As much pak choi/kale as you like (recently being sold at Tesco, but always available at chinese supermarkets)
1 seasonal squash
1 tsp of cayenne pepper
1 tsp of garlic puree/powder
1 tsp of ginger
1 tbsp of Five Spice
Lemon pepper and salt to taste

- Usually, I just chop everything up, throw it into a pot of boiling water and cook until the squash is nice and soft. Its really as easy as that!

Vodka Screwdriver (shown above)
Orange juice
A little lemon juice

Vegan Potato Salad

This is one of those recipes that I feel doesn't need measurements, that is all about how much you want and what your taste is like. So I'm not going to give measurements but rather what I think are some lovely ingredients which make a great vegan potato salad!

Potatoes, roughly chopped (skins on if preferred)
Vegan mayonnaise (I like Solesse- purchased at Asda, which is soya free too!)
Red/green onions
Spring onions
Parsley/Coriander, chopped
Cider vinegar (malt is fine too)
Lemon juice
Salt to taste

- Salt a pot of cold water and boil potatoes for 20 minutes on a medium/high heat until soft but not falling apart
- In a bowl, chop up all the herbs and vegetables, scoop in some mayonnaise and flavour with vinegar, lemon juice and salt
- Once potatoes are tender, drain water and rinse with cold water to cool slightly
* I find it easier to transfer the potatoes back into the pot and coat them here rather than in the bowl, however if you are using a larger bowl they can go straight into there
- Either serve like this or chill for later!

Enjoy :3

Meat-free chilli con carne with almond 'feta cheese'

Ingredients (Makes around 3 servings)

1 vegetable stock cube (I use knowe)
Boiling water (enough to cover 'mince')
2 cups of vegan mince
1/2 tin of kidney/black beans (add more if you prefer!)
2 cups of rice (I've used spaghetti here but much prefer rice!)
1 tbsp of cayenne pepper
1 tbsp of paprika
1 full onion, chopped
1 can of tinned chopped tomatoes
1 tbsp of garlic puree
1 tbsp of tomato puree

I like to add bell peppers, red and green chillies and jalepenos too.

Almond Feta Cheese (adapted from
Half a bag of ground almonds
I find I always change the amounts of garlic/salt/lemon juice I use so add a little at a time until you have a desired taste!
Half a cup of water (you can use rice milk etc if you prefer a creamier taste)

- Dissolve stock cube in the boiling water
- Add in the 'mince' and boil until mince has softened slightly
- Add in chopped tomatoes, tomato/garlic puree and beans
- Bring to boil
(If you're adding peppers/chillies etc, add them now)
- Add cayenne pepper and paprika

-Put the rice on to boil at this point

- Once rice is almost done, add parsley, coriander and onion to the chilli and simmer for the remaining time the rice has
- Serve chilli on top of the rice, sprinkle with the feta 'cheese' and enjoy!

Almond Feta 'Cheese' Method
This ones real easy!
- Put all ingredients into a food processor and blend until smooth but not runny
- Put into a cheesecloth (I use Tesco Value disposable all-purpose cloths) and drain 'cheese' mixture
I like to eat it like this, but you can put it in the oven, in an oven safe tin, at about 150 degrees for 20 minutes (until top is golden)